Thursday 5 September 2019


mise- en -scene
Image result for veronica sawyer movie outfitsthe scene that im using for this is the lunchroom scene, there are many different costumes and types of people . starting with veronica an "edgy" individual.her main colour is blue,however in this scene she has a black and whiten blazer with a white shirt.she has a "dont care" vibe  to her. she acts differently to the other girls with her friendly attitude and want to include others in their "lunchtime poll"                                                                                                                                                                                                   lets move on to the heathers,all heathers are very similar just with a different colour ,heather duke is green,heather mcanara is yellow and heather chandler is red also heather number this scene they are all wearing blazers heather m & heather d have the same one yellow and one green with white shirts and skirts heather d in a plaid skirt and heather m in a black skirt then heather c is wearing a plaid blazer and a pair of red shorts this is her showing shes not just one of them she is different because shes in charge.the heathers all act in the same way,mean they each have a personality trait the others dont heather chandler is mean and always in charge ,heather duke is mean and tries to take over and heather mcanara is quiet and stays out of the way i feel like there is more to her than we all know                                                   

 those are the main costumes and expression lets move on to setting and lighting this scene is set at a school cafetira room so there isnt much to say about that its the same as every other school right?  lighting is simply just some ceiling lights its yellowy and old thats just because the film is old though.

cinematography & editingfff
the camera work in this is pretty basic there is parts where the camera angle is up so it makes the heathers and veronica look bigger and more important  mainly eye level and wide shots there is a couple of wide shots but that is about all i subject editing yet again not much going on with editing its doing what it has to do i cant say much about it .sound is pretty much the same.

Laura mulvey - male gaze (representation) 
im not sure how to describe representation with this film it can go in either direction so i guess ill have to describe it all in most scenes especially where the heathers are women are empowered and treated with respect like the lunchroom scene however as the film gets to the middle veronica starts to go under JDs spell doing what he wants being tricked and used for being a girl and even though he loves her he treats her like she cant do anything by herself as if shes dependent on him ,however this is an older film so it would be like that

henry jenkins
heathers basically has the same genre all the way through, i personally dont think you could apply this theory to the film as i cant see any rules of genre being broken

blumler and katz - uses gratification(audience)
i would recommend this film for 14+ as it is full of  inappropriate scenes and wording it uses this theory by using an age restriction

todorov theory
i would say heathers uses todorovs theory as it starts as a normal high school and slowly builds up to heather dying and many major events. especially when JD is going to blow up the school, veronica realises and eventually stops him as we know he ends up dying it all works for theory until the end because we all know westaburg will never be the same without heather and JD

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