Thursday 19 March 2020

Slumdog millionaire(work from home)


Chapter 1: One Question Away  
  1. Some of the opening scene is set in the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ studio. Where do you think the rest of it is set?  
An abandoned building, as its empty and surroundings are quiet, an interrogation room 
It has bad lighting and looks old and deserted the wallpaper is dirty and old the slums of India in small towns and areas so they can for one get the feel of real slums and to get the atmosphere  
2. What effect does cutting between two different times and places have on you?  
 Showing the past and current time making us see how his life has been 
3. What questions do you have at the end of this scene?  
 What are the men doing to him? 
 why is Jamal on who wants to be a millionaire? 
Who are the men? 
 Chapter 2: Tell Me How You Cheated  
1. What do you think Jamal is being accused of?  
 Jamal is being accused of cheating possibly on the show how to be a millionaire as a slum like him would not know the answers 
2. How do we feel about Jamal when he is being tortured in this scene?  
 Sympathetic as he is claiming to not be guilty and the methods of torture are inhumane 
3.   How is Jamal represented when he replies “The answers”?  
 As strong and not someone who gives up after this torture he could of just pretended he cheated but he stuck with his answer and the truth 
 Chapter 3: Children of the Slums  
1. What is your view of the slum based on how it is represented in this scene?  
 Crowded, not liked by the police, bright, imaginative as the children are still finding ways to have fun 
 2. How do think this scene might be related to the previous scenes?  
Possibly showing how he knows the answers from memorable points that have stuck with him since past years 
 Chapter 4: Superstar!  
1. What moments of comedy are evident in this scene?  
 When Jamal jumps into the toilet and runs towards the superstar covered in feces 

2. How do you feel about Jamal in this scene?  
 He is very determined to get what he wants and will even go to the extreme to get it 
3. How do you feel about Salim?  
 Hes a good character and he ads comedy and excitement into dull parts by making Jamal’s life hard 
 Hes very evil too 

4. How does the flashback to the cesspit scene link to what is happening on ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’  
 It links to a moment that marks how he knew the answer 
 Chapter 5: India's National Emblem  
1. How do we feel about the Police Inspector and Sergeant?  
 They are using there raising and life as an advantage and belittling Jamal “my 5-year-old daughter knows that” they are really pushing the point that Jamal is  poor and doesn’t deserve to win 
2.   How does this affect how we feel about Jamal?   
 It doesn’t really change how I see jamal because hes still staying true and being determined 
 Chapter 6: Bow and Arrow  
1. How is Salim and Jamal’s life irrevocably altered in this scene?  
 Their mother has been killed and they must leave, they also gain latakia they have to leave their home too and begin working and leave education 
2. How does this scene link to the question asked by Kumar at the start of this scene?  
 Yet again an extremely memorable moment that personally happened to him and has stuck with him 
3.  What does Jamal blame for the awful occurrence in this scene?  
 Rama and Allah  
  Chapter 7: Orphaned and Homeless  
  1. How do Salim and Jamal’s reactions to Latika differ?  
Salim does not want her to join them whereas Jamal wants her to be safe and invites her in even though Salim has said he's the boss and oldest, so he controls what happens 

2.How does this affect your views of the brothers?    
It makes me believe Jamal is the good caring brother and Salim is selfish  

Chapter 8: A Bloody Saint  
1. How do you feel when you see the children scavenging on the rubbish dump?  
 Upset and angry as they are children and should have a better life they should be playing and now spending their time working. This is not a safe environment for them and the things they find here could harm them or give desieses 
2.      What is your view of Maman in this scene?  
 He is caring he sees the boys and brings the a drink then supposedly saves them from this place and takes them to a nicer place with other children and food 
 Chapter 9: Little Beggars  
1. What are the children expected to do?  
 Beg for money and food in the street's fake injuries to take money and give it to maman and his business 

2. How does Salim’s role develop in this scene?  
 He changes he doesn’t care anymore he becomes aggressive and his behaviour is swayed because of Maman making him shout at the other children. He is angry even to his brother  
 3. How does this alter your views about him?  
 It makes me angry to see an innocent child changed into this new evil form it makes you lose trust in him and the audience wants him either back to normal or to also makes us worry that other children will be turned into this evil form 
4. Are there any moments of comedy in this scene? Describe them.  
 When latakia takes the chillies and pranks Salim essentially getting revenge on him, the children all laugh and hes screaming so the opther children make a joke out of it 
 Chapter 10: Run!  
1. What does Maman do in this scene?  
 Removes the eyes of an unconscious child who believes he’s going to be famous for singing he then sends Salim to get Jamal so he can do the same 
2. How does this alter how we feel about him?  
 Our views of him completely change he is no longer the caring figure we knew he is evil and his true intentions show 
 3. a. What does Salim do in this scene that surprises us?   
 He runs away with Jamal and tries to take latakia, but she does not make it  
3.b.  What does this show us about Salim?  
 He is still caring and not completely corrupted. Even though he left latakia he's never wanted latika around 
4. a. What does Salim do in this scene which we expect, based on previous scenes?  
 He does not let Latika come he lets go of her 
4. b. How do feel about him by the end of the scene?  
 A lot better as he has saved his brother even though Salim has left Latika he’s showing signs of reforming 
 Chapter 11: Riding the Rails  
1. How does this scene provide relief from the previous scene?  
They are happier and chilled out not worrying or being chased they are safe  

Chapter 12: Is this heaven?  
  1. How does the India shown to the tourists compare with ‘the real India’ Jamal tells the Americans about?  
The India they show tourists is rich and clean unlike the slums full of crowded shacks and dirty water the India everyone sees is nice and fun and happy 
2.   How do the America tourists show ‘the real America’?  
By giving money towards the problem hoping it will go away 

Chapter 13: Benjamin Franklin   
1. Why did Jamal come back to Mumbai?  
 To find Latika and save her 
2. What does that show about him?  
 He is determined and sorry for what happened he also wants to care for everyone and try to fix it all  
  Chapter 14: The Unlucky One   
1. How does Jamal’s meeting with Arvind make you feel?  
 Upset that even though Jamal has been saved many other children are still stuck in this also makes me proud of Jamal for helping   
 Chapter 15: On His Knees 
1. Where is this scene set?  
In a dance studio where latika is getting taught dance 
2. Who is the conflict between in this scene?  
 Maman and Salim 
3. Compare how we feel about Salim and Maman in this scene.  
 We feel better about Salim as he has changed, and he's going to protect the others and stop a lot of pain 
 Chapter 16: My Enemy's Enemy  
1. How is Jamal presented as chivalrous in this scene?  
 He gives latika a towel and does not look at her as she requests 
2. Salim goes to find Javeed. What does this show about his ambitions?  
 They are tainted but he wants to earn money, and wants a sense of security possibly so he can help latika and Jamal 
Chapter: 17: The Man with the Gun  
1. Compare how Salim and Jamal’s feelings towards Latika are presented in this scene. What motivates them?  
Her beauty attracts both Salim and Jamal however Jamal has true feelings towards her 

Chapter 18: Friends and Family  
1. What is Jamal’s job now?  
 To bring tea to workers 
 2. How is Jamal represented in this scene? Consider his answers to the trainer at the start and his resourcefulness in locating his brother 
 Very determined again and caring he takes over for his co-worker so he can watch tv 
 3. Which recognisable aspects of Britishness are featured in this scene?  
 Tea, British shows and British festivals 
 Chapter 19: The Old Slum  
1. How has the slum changed?  
It has become buildings and it looks more expensive as it is being run by crime so more money is in the slum area  
2. How does this link to the social context of the film?  
Everything changes  
 3.a. Jamal is angry in this scene.  a. How is the extremity of this anger shown?  
He is very threatening and at points it seems like he is going to push Salim off the building 
b. Jamal contains his anger. How does this affect your view of him?  
It doesn’t effect it as he is strong and he moves on not hurting anyone 
 4. Salim describes himself as “at the centre of the centre” of business in India. How does this affect your view of him?  
 He has become self-obsessed and full of himself 
 Chapter 20: Why Are You Here?  
1. Salim gets his gun ready, then prays. What is your view of Salim here?  
 He is dangerous  
Chapter 21: You Could Lose Everything  
1. Why do you think Jamal continues to keep playing, despite knowing that he could ‘lose everything’?  
So that latika has longer to see him playing and try find him 

Chapter 22: So Close   
1. How do we feel about Jamal in this scene?  
 He shows his determination again and we feel bad as he is trying so hard 
2. How do we feel about Latika in this scene?  
She is scared and we feel bad for her 
3. How do we feel about Salim in this scene?   
Angry that he has hurt Jamal once again 

4. How does this scene accelerate the action in order to build towards the climax of the film?  
 Makes it fast pace and makes us wonder if Jamal gets latika 
 Chapter 23: The Answer Is B.  
 1. What does Kumar do in the toilets at the start of this scene?  
 He talks to Jamal then gives “the answer” to Jamal he also reveals some backstory as to why he might not want Jamal to win 
2. How does this alter what you think of Kumar?  
 Before you know it’s the wrong answer it makes you feel happy and like not everyone's bad 
 3. Why do you think Jamal doesn’t take Kumar’s suggestion?  
 Because he does not trust him 
 4. How do you feel about Kumar at the end of this scene?  
 Like he is evil and self centred he doesn’t want Jamal to win so that he can keep his title  
 Chapter 24: Please Forgive Me  
1. Why did Jamal go on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’?  
 So that latika could see him and try friend him so they could connect  
2. What does Salim do in this scene that you didn’t expect?  
 He tells latika to go to Jamal and sacrifices himself 
 3. How does this change how you feel about Salim?  
 I believe he is good but had some trouble revealing it  
 Chapter 25: We Love You, Jamal!   
1. Why do think all the crowd's ‘love’ Jamal?  
 Because he has completely changed things given hope to many people 
 2. How do you feel as Jamal and Latika battle to get to the studio?  
 Nervous because we want them to be together and we want latika to be safe 
 3. How is crosscutting used to emphasise this?  
 To add stress and quick fast scenes 
Chapter 26: The Third Musketeer  
1. Why does Jamal play, even though he doesn’t know the answer. Consider why he went on the show.  
 Because he knows latika could see this and as this is a completely out of ordinary case she might see it if he stays longer 
2. How do you feel when Latika answers the phone?  
 Hopeful and happy as we know Jamal will hear her 
 3. What does Salim do in this scene to emphasise how his character has changed throughout the film?  
He kills javeed to protect his brother and bring happiness 
 4. How do you feel about Salim’s death?  
 Sad as he was good in the end but happy and proud that Jamal and latika are safe 
 5.   How do you feel about Kumar as he encourages Jamal to celebrate?   
 Kind of annoyed as he tricked Jamal and then now he's on his side 
 Chapter 27: It Is Written  
1. How does this scene contrast to the end of the last scene? Is it what you would expect?  
 Its leading towards happiness instead of doom and pain or is what youd expect as the end of the film is coming and every film needs a happy ending 
2.   How do you feel as this scene builds up to the climax?  
 Excited and sad as the film is near to ending  but jamal and latika may finally be together and happy   
3.   Boyle includes a montage of flashbacks from throughout the film in this final scene. How does this add to the build up?  
 It shows how hard they have worked for peace and happiness it makes it emotional as you see all the ups and downs of their life all the pain and torture they have been through to make it here 
 4. What is the final resolution?  
 Latika and jamal are together 
 Chapter 28: End Titles  
1. How does the Bollywood dance sequence at the conclusion of the film make you feel? 
Happy  because they are all happy and getting a good life 

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the mask questions (work from home 5)

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